Saturday, 9 May 2009


Phew, flying those timezones really takes it out of you! At least, that's my excuse.

So since I returned to SL from the US of A in RL, I haven't done a great deal, but thought I'd blog to be honest about it!

It's Art Walk month in Raglan, and I helped Kitti Dumpling get her selection of pictures set up on the Raglan tree gallery. Her pictures look good, if I say so myself. I made a fancy bohemian top hat based on a stovepipe hat I'd seen at a very exclusive clothes shop in East London; so far I haven't done anything with it other than give it away to a couple of folks. I also managed to find a rather splendid (if prim heavy) new art deco-themed building to serve as the office for The Shire Times. I wanted somewhere to double as a movie studio, but I'm a) out of prims and b) unable to get my fancy new TV bought for me by my buddy Bo to work; or at least play my YouTube clips. Oh well!

As much as I'd like to have submitted something to Art Walk, the fact of the matter is, I don't actually have anything to submit. I keep going on and on about how I want to do this or that in terms of art, or sculpture, or whatever, but never seem to get around to doing it. I'll make more of a concerted effort this year, I hope.

Once I settle back into more of a routine, I'll find some inspiration to do something extra, no doubt. For now, ART!

1 comment:

Bo Fiddlesticks said...

1) Happy to have you back, Chaffles!
2) If there's anythhing I can do regarding the screen, let me know! I can be a techie sometimes :o]
3) Even for Funny Bunnies, a dayhas only 24 hours eh...